Internet of Things (IoT)

This .NET electronics tutorial series will help you create connected IoT projects by using C# with your Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or Meadow board.

It is common for IoT solutions to use sensors to log data over time. In this electronics tutorial, you will use a Meadow microcontroller board and an LM35 analog temperature sensor to collect weather data. Then, you will post that data to a web API and store it in a ... Read more

In a connected Internet of Things (IoT) application, you may need to control your electronics from another device. This tutorial will demonstrate how a Blazor web app can make HTTP requests to a Meadow microcontroller, which can then set the angle of a servo motor. ... Read more

A servo motor is an essential component in robotics applications. Possible applications include rotating levers and pulling strings (for example, opening a door, steering a car, turning a boat rudder, etc). With a Meadow microcontroller board, you can control a servo using C# in a .NET application. ... Read more

In this C# electronics tutorial, you will write a .NET application to display text onto a 16x2 (or 20x4) LCD character display connected to a Raspberry Pi. ... Read more

The Meadow board is an embeddable hardware solution by Wilderness Labs built on the STM32F7 microcontroller chip that you can program using your existing .NET skills. ... Read more

Did you know you can use C# to control the general-purpose I/O (GPIO) pins on your Raspberry Pi? Learn how to write a .NET app to drive an LED with this tutorial. ... Read more