Event handlers are an important concept for C# developers to master. In this tutorial, you will learn about event-driven programming by creating an example GUI application. ... Read more
Bradley Wells
Hi, I write C# and .NET tutorials. Follow me @bradwellsb
A delegate in C# is essentially a pointer to another method. It allows your program to pass functions between methods and classes in the same way you might pass variables. ... Read more
Do you find yourself writing code that you would like to reuse across multiple C# projects? In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a class library and add a reference to it in your projects. ... Read more
In C#, enumerations, or enums, are a special data type used to limit the possible values of a given variable. Constraining data is useful for ensuring the validity of values as they are used throughout the program. ... Read more
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the ForEach method on Lists and other LINQ collections. This allows you to compactly write, on a single line of code, that which otherwise would take at least four lines. ... Read more
The Language Integrated Query (LINQ) syntax is a powerful way to work with collections in C#. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use LINQ to filter data from C# lists. You will also learn how to chain LINQ queries together in order to return precisely the data you ... Read more